ما هو امتحان(Talogy) Cubiks؟

يقدم مطور الامتحانات Cubiks عددًا من امتحانات التوظيف المختلفة، سيُطلب منك غالبًا إجراء اختبار القدرات واختبار الشخصية. عادةً ما تجد الاختبار الذي يجب عليك إجراؤه في رابط تتلقاه عبر البريد الإلكتروني.

إذا لم تكن متأكدًا من الاختبار الذي يتعين عليك إجراؤه ، فنقترح أن تسأل صاحب العمل المحتمل أو شركة التوظيف المعنية. يمكنك أيضًا الاتصال بنا على عنوان البريد الإلكتروني أعلاه وسنحاول مساعدتك في اتخاذ الترتيبات اللازمة.

ينقسم امتحان Cubiks/Talogy Logiks الى قسمين:

  • Cubiks Intermediate. (متوسط الصعوية)
  •  Cubiks Advanced. (مستوى متقدم)

القسم المتقدم يضعك أمام تحدي أكبر لحله لأنه يتطلب منك قدرة أكبر على التركيز في وقت قصير. مرفق في الصفحة أدناه شرح عن أقسام الإمتحان المختلفة وشرح طرق الحل. 

 (Verbal,Numerical,Abstract) Logiks Intermediate
Numerical Ability  Logiks Advanced (Numerical)
Verbal Ability (English) Logiks Advanced (Verbal)
 Abstract Thinking Logiks Advanced (Abstract)

مُرفق أدناه أمثلة على أسئلة  Talogy/Cubiks من المستوى الوسطي (Intermediate). حاول الاجابة على هذه الأسئلة كي تخوض تجربة الامتحان الحقيقي الذي سيمنحك نفس المدة لحل السؤال.

 الوقت المحدد: 12 دقيقة

 عدد الأسئلة: مجموع الأسئلة 50. 24 سؤال في القسم الكلامي (Verbal)، 16 سؤال في القسم الكمي (Numerical)، 10 اسئلة في القسم التسلسلي (Abstract).

 مثال على النموذج الوسطي الكلامي (Intermediate Verbal): 

Embarrassment is to Blush as Fear is to:


اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

The correct answer is: Perspire.


One blushes when they are embarrassed like one perspires (sweats) when they are afraid.

مثال آخر:

سوف تواجه الكثير من نمط هذه الأسئلة في الامتحان الحقيقي، قد تبدو بعض هذه الأسئلة محيرة مما قد يزيد من نسبة إجابتك بشكل خاطئ عليها، لذلك نوصي باجراء الامتحانات الخاصة بنا.

Some furniture is made from plastic.

All tables are made of wood.

If the two statements are true, what is the most logical conclusion?

Some tables are made from plastic
All furniture is made from wood
All furniture is made from plastic
None of the above
اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

The correct answer is: None of the above

Some tables are made from plastic - if all tables are made from wood, none of the tables are made from plastic.

All furniture is made from wood - if some of the furniture is made from plastic, not all of the furniture is made from wood.

All furniture is made from plastic - some furniture is made from plastic and "some" does not mean "all".


مثال على النموذج الكمي (Numerical Intermediate):

ستحصل أيضًا على أسئلة تتكون من سلسلة من الأرقام حيث يوجد رقم أو رقمان مفقودان، مهمتك هي تحديد المنطق وراء سلسلة الأرقام ثم إيجاد الرقم الذي يواصل السلسلة. يوجد أدناه مثال لسؤال حول سلسلة من الأرقام:

?What is the next number in the number series below

29, 56, 108, 208, 402

:Choose the correct answer from the options

اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

The correct answer is: 782

Examples and answers logics general intermediate numerical


The task consists of a series of numbers within a series of numbers. The difference between the number values ​​displayed consists of a series of numbers of its own. All numbers are multiplied by 2 to get the next number, but for each step the result is additionally subtracted by a number that increases by 2 in each step, or in other words:

-2, -4, -6

Thus, the last number in the series should be multiplied by 2 and then subtracted by -8. Whereby we get the correct answer 782.

هل يمكنك حل هذا السؤال خلال 15 ثانية؟

?What is the value of X

68 – (3 x 4) = 4 x X

 Choose the correct answer below

اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة


68 – (3 x 4) = 4 x X

68 – 12 = 4 x X

56 = 4 x X // divide both terms by 4

14 = X

Note! Most of the questions look like this and consist of equations that you have to answer as quickly as you can. You should not expect to be able to use a calculator on the test, so we recommend that you practice the habit of being able to quickly calculate the information with paper and pencil, or even better in your head.

مثال على القسم التسلسلي (Abstract):

في هذا النوع من الأسئلة ، يتم تقديمك بعدد من الرموز والأشكال، ويتوجب عليك  تحديد القاعدة التي تحكم تغييرات الرموز ، ثم اختيار الرمز المفقود أو الذي يواصل السلسلة من الإجابات.



Example Logic's General Intermediate Abstract

اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

 The correct answer is: !


Four rules govern the symbols in the series:

  1. The number of triangles varies between one and two for every two squares.
  2. The triangles rotate 90 degrees clockwise in each step.
  3. The triangles move counterclockwise moving in each step.
  4. In odd squares (1, 3 and 5) only one square is displayed. In even squares (2 and 4), the number of squares increases by one.

According to the second and third rules, the missing square must contain two downward-pointing triangles. This means that all options except (1) and (3) can be excluded.

Since the missing square (6 in the series) is an even square, the number of squares must increase by one compared to the previous even square, which had 3 squares. Only option 1 has two downward-pointing triangles and 4 squares, and is thus the correct answer.

قسم امتحان Logiks المتقدم (Advanced):

مثال على امتحان Logiks المتقدم الكمي (Numerical Advanced):

 الوقت المحدد: 25 دقيقة

عدد الأسئلة: 20 سؤال

 تقيم هذه الاختبارات قدرتك الرياضية والعددية. يجب أن تثبت أنه يمكنك استيعاب البيانات الرقمية وفهمها في الجداول والرسوم البيانية والمخططات وإجراء الحسابات تحت ضغط الوقت.

*1 drive = £70   **£1 = 1.59 USD

If Spectra is to sell 5.7% more units in 2012 with a 12% increase in sale price and Arclight’s sales figures are to remain constant, how much more than Spectra will Arclight make, in US Dollars?

Cubiks Logiks Advanced Numerical Question

 *الاجابات بقيمة مليون

1) 90.84
2) 92.62
3) 138.93
4) 147.27
5) 156.34
6) cannot say
اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

The correct answer is (D) - 147.27


We're especially being asked to find the difference between the $ income of Arclight and Spectra.

I.e. (Arclight total revenue) - (Spectra total revenue) = ?

In order to solve this question we need to calculate the expected 2012 revenues for both Spectra and Arclight.



1) Number of units sold is expected to increase by 5.7%:

Units sold in 2011: 20 million

Units expected to be sold in 2012: 20x1.057 million units.

2) Unit price is expected to increase by 12%:

Price in 2011: £70

Expected price in 2012: £70*1.12 = £78.4

3) Expected revenue for Spectra in 2012:

(number of units sold)x(price per unit) =

(20x1.057) x (£70x1.12) = £1657.376 million


1) Number of units sold in 2012 is to remain the same as in 2011, which means 25 million units.

2) Unit price is also expected to remain the same, which means £70 per unit.

3) Expected revenues for Arclight in 2012:

25 million x £70 = £1750 million


Now, let's calculate the difference:

Arclight - Spectra =

£1750 million - £1657.376 million = £92.624 million

Remember, however, that we need to find the difference in dollars, not pounds. The conversion rate is noted below the chart.

If £1 = 1.59 dollars, then the expected difference in dollars is:

£92.624 million x 1.59 = 147.27 million dollars


Alternatively, you can find the company profits in dollars and subtract as follows:

Arclight: 25x£70x1.59 = 2782.5 million dollars

Spectra: (20x1.057)*(£70x1.12)x1.59 = 2635.23 million dollars

Difference = 2782.5 - 2635.23 = 147.27 million dollars

كما ترون، هذا السؤال يتطلب دقة وقراءة بتمعن للرسم البياني، وأقل اعتماد على الحدس. (يجب الأخذ بعين الاعتبار لديكم دقيقة واحدة فقط لإنهاء السؤال) قد يتطلب الأمر بعض الوفت والمهارة لإيجاد الحل الدقيق بسرعة أكبر، لكن*

هذه العملية تصبح أسهل مع التمرن والممارسة.

مثال 2:


* All tables and desks come with one chair.

** Bulk Savings: Save 10% on any order of over 1000 items.


VIP customers can get an additional 20% savings on any order of more than £200. By what percent (more or less) does a non-VIP customer pay to purchase 10 tables compared to a VIP customer who purchases 5 tables and 5 desks?

  Chairs  Tables  Desks 
1-10  10.00  22.00  35.25 
11-30  9.50  21.30  34.80 
31-100  9.20  20.70  34.00 
101+  8.85  20.15  33.60 


A) 4.09%
B) 3.93%
C) 30.11%
اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

The correct answer is 3.93%. First, we will calculate the total paid by the VIP customer so we can compare the price paid by the non-VIP customer. The VIP customer orders 5 tables and 5 desks. Since 5 tables are being ordered, each table costs £22.00. The total cost for the tables is 5 * £22.00 = £110.00. Since 5 desks are being ordered, each desk costs £35.25. The total cost for the desks is 5 * £35.25 = £176.25. The total cost of the VIP order is £110.00 + £176.25 = £286.25. Since this order is more than £200, the VIP customer gets a bonus 20% discount. The final cost of the VIP order is 0.8 * £286.25 = £229.00. Now, let’s calculate the total paid by the non-VIP customer. Since 10 tables are being ordered, each table costs £22.00. The total cost for the 10 tables is 10 * £22.00 = £220.00. The difference, as a percentage, of the non-VIP order compared to the VIP order is (229 – 220) / 229 = 9 / 229 = 0.0393 = 3.93%. Therefore, the correct answer is 3.93%.



 مثال على القسم الكلامي (Verbal Advanced):

 الوقت المحدد: 25 دقيقة

عدد الأسئلة: 36 سؤال

في أدلة المراجعة الخاصة بامتحانات  (Talogy)Cubiks الخاصة بنا ، ستحصل على نصائح حول كيفية الانتقال إلى استخلاص المعلومات الصحيحة من النصوص الأكاديمية مثل هذه دون الحاجة إلى قراءتها وفهمها بالكامل. بهذه الطريقة يمكنك  توفير الوقت والتعامل مع ضغوطات أقل خلال الحل.

 يقيم هذا الاختبار قدرتك على قراءة النص بسرعة واستيعاب المحتوى،  شوف تصادف أسئلة تشمل العديد من النصوص ثم يجب عليك الإجابة عليها بحسب استنتاجك حول النص.

The slow development of the innovative universal home remote control system is rather surprising following high expectations this system has raised a decade ago when it was first presented. Whilst having a prototype ready that impressively controlled most of the home electrical appliances using a single, simple and user friendly device, when manufactured in a production line many faults have occurred that were not discovered by the manufacturer quality control systems. The result was devastating. Thousands of these systems were returned by furious clients who paid substantial sums only to find that this luxurious device fails to reliably operate designated appliances and some also activated the wrong electrical device resulting in serious damages. The disastrous launch of the product into the market was largely the fault of line managers who did not commit themselves to ensure the excellence and quality of their work as well as senior managers who have failed to closely monitor the production activities and have focused merely on marketing and P.R.

1) True
2) False
3) Cannot say
اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

There is no reference in the text to the current market situation of the universal home remote control system and therefore we cannot conclude this from the text.

The answer is Cannot Say


 مثال 2:

Dada was an artistic and literary movement that originated in neutral Zurich, Switzerland in 1916 as a reaction to World War I and the ubiquitous nationalism that accompanied it, consisting of artists who rejected the logic, reason and aestheticism of modern Western society and traditional art by expressing nonsense, irrationality and anti-bourgeois protest in their work. The movement organized public gatherings and demonstrations and published art and literary journals to spread their anti-war, anti-art message. Dada was practised as the antithesis to traditional art—the focus on meticulously planned works of art shifted into incorporating chance into them, challenging artistic norms and questioning the role of the artist. The art techniques the movement used include collages, photomontages and cut-up techniques. Dada artists utilized readymade objects in their work, buying and presenting everyday items as art with only little manipulation. Using prefabricated objects encouraged the discourse of artistic creativity and the purpose of art in society. The Dada movement dissipated with the establishment of Surrealism, a movement that aspired to liberate thought, language, as well as human experience from the oppressive boundaries of rationalism and was influenced by the Freudian theories of the subconscious.


Which one of the following assumptions is definitely made in the passage?

A) Dada is known for its premediated works of art.
B) Collages are considered a traditional method of art.
C) Surrealism is more prominent movement compared to Dada.
D) Not all countries in Europe participated in World War 1.
اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

The correct answer is D.


Option (D) is the correct answer because it is stated in the passage that Dada originated in 'neutral Zurich, Switzerland', which means Switzerland did not take part in World War I.

Therefore, it can be inferred that not all countries in Europe participated in World War I.

Option (A) is incorrect because the passage states Dada was practiced as the antithesis to traditional art- it was based on chance, rather than meticulous planning.

Option (B) is incorrect because it cannot be assumed that collages are considered a traditional method of art.

Dada is stated in the passage as the antithesis to traditional art and as a movement that used collages as art techniques. Therefore, it is more likely to assume collages are not considered traditional methods of art.

Nevertheless, a definite assumption regarding the relationship between collages and traditional art cannot be made based on the passage.

Option (C) is incorrect because, even though it is mentioned in the passage that the Dada movement dissipated with the establishment of Surrealism.

It cannot be assumed it resulted from the prominence of Surrealism over the Dada movement.



مثال على القسم التسلسلي (Abstract) :

 الوقت المحدد: 15 دقيقة

عدد الأسئلة: 30 سؤال

بمساعدة هذا الاختبار ، يتم تقييم قدرتك على التفكير المجرد والقدرة على "القراءة بين السطور". ستواجه صفوفًا من الرموز والأشكال التي تتبع نمطًا أو قاعدة معينة، وستكون مهمتك هي معرفة خيار الإجابة المناسب وفقًا لهذا النمط. يمنحك الاختبار نصف دقيقة لكل مهمة لفهم الطريقة التي يتم اتباعها وبالتالي أي إجابة مناسبة.


أكمل التسلسل التالي:


اجابة صحيحة
إجابة خاطئة

Correct answer:  1

The figures move as follows:

The triangle and circle move one section at a time counterclockwise for each step.
The star and heart move  one section at a time clockwise with each step.
At the same time, the triangle and the heart are rotated 180 degrees for each step.
Note that if we follow the star's pattern we can eliminate all the answer options except (1) and (2), and if we follow any other symbol we can also eliminate all the answer options except (1).

With the help of the star and another symbol we can find the correct answer.

Did you manage to solve the problem in half a minute?



إن موفري الاختبار والعلامات التجارية الأخرى المذكورة في هذه الصفحة تابعة لأصحاب العلامات التجارية المعنيين. لا ينتمي أي من مالكي العلامات التجارية إلى JobTestPrep أو لهذا الموقع.